

My name is Faidra, 18 years old and Greek. 

 I'm leaving life between Greece (Rhodes, a Dodecanese island) and New York City where I was an intern at an outwear company in Manhattan and gained some experience in the fashion industry. I am planning to go there for studies on Fashion Design at the Fashion Institute of Technology were I have already took some precollege courses and an Adobe Illustrator course recently. 

 This blog is about everything I want it to be, it's not only fashion, it's not only journalism, it's not only lifestyle or photography. Whatever I feel, I post it. It  has helped me realize how much I love writing because through it I understand my feeling better and I might can help some of the readers of this blog too. 

 The camera I'm using is a Canon 1100D + 50mm lens

 I have a particular love for personal style, drawing, a hot cup of tea, the sun, playing the piano, tattoos and piercings, airports, butter croissants, the Greek sea, reading literature and poetry, sewing, my doc martens (all of them), indie and rock music, my eye-liner, the color black, minimalism, and avoiding reality with sleep. 

 Because I usually don't know where to stop when I start writing, I just wanted to say thank you, for reading my blog! The emails that I get make me so happy, knowing that you enjoy reading it and that I have helped some of you at some point ! Please, don't hesitate to send me your thoughts! 

Thank you for visiting and for your support :) ,

Faidra Tzedakis